

In this project I merged multiple ideas from past projects like the toony arms and legs, and the python script I’ve used before which helped me rig the lips and eyelids.

I had the oportunity to play around with some ideas I wanted to try out, for example, a cape with a hand grabbing option and a “Bat-belt” driven by a nurbsSurface, to mention some.

For the body, by using ribbons with deformers on arms and legs, I achieved a sober toony look.

Lastly, for the face I went for a sober look with a combination of blendshape and joint based rig.

Keep on reading to find more specific notes about this rig.



For the facial rig, I implemented a Python script that helped to build the mouth and eyelids.

This rig, contains special features:

  • Zipping from left to right (and viceversa)

  • An option to control the stepping

Model By: Makar Malicki


The cape is built with 5 joint chains, each driven by a ikSpline to create an option that allows the cape’s side to be manipulated by the hands, and an easy way to “pull” the cape from any point.

I added extra controls in the shoulder and neck area with automations to improve the shape when rotating the clavicle.


The arm rig got a wider and better looking shoulder cape motion through an automation.

