Little Dragon


In this project I achieved a seamless toony look throughout the entire body.

I used ribbons on the arms and legs that allowed a wide range of deformation.

For the body, I used ribbons on the arms and legs with deformers and options such as the pole control snapping and a squish and stretch motion.

Lastly, for the eyes I used a combination of blendshapes deformers and joints to achieve deformations and expressions without obstructing functionality .

Keep on reading to find more.



The eyes work through a combination of wrapping and lattice deformers added on top of the skinning.

The lattice deformer allowed me to define facial expressions and deformation controls, while the wrap deformer was used to open and close the eyelids.


I added options to the IK arms and legs such as:

  • Snapping pole vector controls

  • Squash and stretch

  • Volume preservation

Driven by the main joints, I added ribbons on arms and legs then, I added deformers on top of the nurbsSurface to achieve the ‘wave’ option.

Foot controls

I added a foot posture control that provides a smooth and natural motion.

