Jared - Entry #1
Jared’s rig has the basic elements done. I wanted to challenge myself by creating a lightweight, more efficient rig. Therefore, I started using Offset Parent Matrix on the controls to save resources and began working with matrix data in general.
What does Jared’s rig base look like?
The limbs (arms, legs and fingers) are set with independent FK-IK switches, the sub controls are driven by a blendMatrix node betwen the limb joints, this is intended to position them while saving resources avoiding the use of a parent transform node.
For the trunk and neck I set simple FK’s. The jaw has an FK with an automation— in the future I’ll be playing around with the automation to achieve a "chewing motion”.
Jared’s eyes are ready! I chose to rig the textures, but now this time I tried to achieve a more realistic look. The options for scaling the iris and pupil are ready.
More coming soon!